Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nicole XXI

WR. 1992-1996

Scene XXI

...A Resident To This Laughing Stock...

My god Phearce you scared the living you know what out of me," having stood out at the lake for hours now just thinking, thinking of the crew that was lost, Kyler and Cadence Nicole that were found, even thinking about beginning a heterosexual relationship, it was all so heavy on his mind. “You didn’t forget did you, that you wasn’t the only one who knew about this place?” “To be honest Phearce, until I saw you just now, I’d forgotten the weekend we spent here yes, missing without a trace, is that what you was going for?” “I don’t know Phearce man, I just needed to get away, everything is happening so fast and I don’t even know what it is that is happening so fast, does that make sense?” “I don’t know how to do any of it, be Kyler’s mate, be Caddy’s dad, what if I’m terrible in bed with her not having a clue you know?” "Ahhhh you’ll be fine, just fine, and how would you know that?” "You haven’t even touched Regan in that way, that Dante has since changed," pushing hands into fitted pockets at moving closer along the bank of the crystal like diamond lake, passed a wondering after him Vincent Dante, sniffing he was, emotional he was becoming, how would he put the astronomical into words? ”What are you saying, telling
me?" "We didn’t plan it,” as one swabbing each cheek simultaneously, additionally how would he put into words this amazing woman, wife of his Reagan Central Whitehead and how wondrous they were together? "Like I said Vince we didn’t plan it, we just got so close the other night until we became one, soon she was climbing the bed, even the walls." "Just as soon, I was climbing the bed, soon the wall, before we knew it, with what can only be described as electrical currents all over us Vince, and through us, we were in heavenly territories people only dream of.” "It was then like this mighty good, this extraordinary death, this electrifying high, zenith of being near to being consumed away completely and unless there’s this merciful calm, even breakdown, away, there’s no way you’re to survive." "Not that you Vince even want to come down off of this intimate, exploding of flesh, blood and all the other things that you just can’t describe, high, but you just have to somehow." “I know I’m crying and, and, I’m not making much sense, but how do you put into words what’s to happen between what God’s of heaven Vince have joined together and let no man put asunder, relations." "Like I said we didn’t plan it, we just got close, so close until we became one, meaning what happen was so normal, so natural, and still so beyond anything on this planet." "this is how I know if you my lovely friend don’t faint and find this one treasuring you so, this single one longing to be this extraordinary one with you, you'll find and always desire the same.” “Yeah, as those grabbing eachother simultaneously into big, loving hugs, did they both find each other crying on one the other shoulder. "We're just a bunch of cry babies, I was searching through a bible the other day, bible? “I didn’t know you even, I don’t, Kyler had one laying out and when I opened it, I opened it to the book of psalms and I just started reading." "I even Phearce remember some of what I read, 'forgive me O god, according to thy loving kindness, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from mine iniquities and cleanse me from sin, you know it too?” Seeing he’s to quote, even help him quote this particular verse of scripture with him, was Vincent Dante yet trying to wrap his mind around what was happening to him, even to them. “Suddenly it was saying all things Phearce I guess my heart ever wanted to say, that every heart of man, of every nation, kingdom and people ever wanted to say or needed to say to Him, mankind’s true maker.” “It’s king David, and he’s asking God to forgive him after he’s enacted these unthinkable trangressions against God, coveteousness, murder and adulterty." "He plotted a man’s death, had him killed so he could then have his wife, then Vince what is even more amazing about this prayer." "It is how King David realize only now after the Supreme has had mercy, cleased him and renewed him especially his spirit by the Holy Spirit." "He realize only then can he be a workmanship for God, because he go on and say, this is once God has answered his prayers as an entire." "He says then shall I teach transgressors they ways, only then shall sinners be converted unto thee, this renewal, this divine tranformation must come first.” “Your father Phearce, he taught you these things, yeah, but I laid psalm 51 to memory long ago, that’s what we were quoting?" "He also said something about us being shaped sinned in our mothers womb, that in sin did our mother conceive us, yeah, the original sin, the first Adam, no man Vince is exempt.” “I better go, I have a long ride back, so I’ll see you soon?” “Yeah, I’m going to call Kyler make sure I’m still welcome and I guess I won’t be that far behind you." "Look
is that why the Christ, Jesus is then called the second Adam, yeah, the second Adam which is to take away the sins of the first?" "But only Vince as we believe and receive and thus serve them, the Heavenly Host accordingly, you see there, right there Vince I swear I sounded just like Dad, which Phearce I’m beginning to realize is a good thing? “Yeah Vince, Regan Central and Kyler Michelle good, see you later huh?” “Thanks, I was feeling much like the marsh land around here simply inundated Phearce heart, mind and soul by immense forms of delusions and devious plots, yeah, been there Vince, done that, tell Reagan I said hello, be safe, ok, I will." "Look, there’s something I didn’t tell you, but while I was in that dream, that coma or whatever, in the dream I was your father’s son, I was Evangelist Paylor son." "That like you Phearce I knew things, a look Vince into things, days to come right, that’s all it was, a look into things to come, good things Phearce man, yeah, of course, very good things." >>>”I still Kyler can’t for the life of me figure why while in that coma it was your daughter and not you, I don’t either," as one sitting each of them a hot cup to the dinning table could they both see Cadence Nicole laying on her stomach, watching T. V. “But she like you, really, what make you say that?” “Well every now and then I see her like staring from her window." "The last time Vince I asked her and she said she was looking for the carnival man, the carnival man?” Causing him to blush into this smile, one that made his already artist features and dark, draped, so tenderly, fabulous mane all the more inviting. “I knew she was talking about you so I said well honey his name is Vincent Dante, and if you be patient we’ll see him again." "I like him, she said, and I said, leading her to the bed, tucking her in, kissing her goodnight, I said I like him too." "Then she said I like him more and I said good honey, goodnight, then she said I’ll pray, I’ll pray for daddy and the carnival man and she turn over and closed her eyes.” “Isn’t that amazing, she, well children can always be so amazing, would you mind if I ask about her father, about what to him?" "The war happen to him, he first lost his mind, then Vince he lost his life, it was a good death, he died in his sleep." "An aneurism of the brain, caused massive bleeding, he’s with the Supreme now, so he was a believer, that’s what you mean, right?” “Right, I’m not one of those Vince who just assume all the dying go to heaven, but only the redeemed in the way of the Supreme’s Christ, bloody cross, resurrection, which remind me, what do you believe?”"I don't know Kyler how to answer that question just yet, my friend and I broke off a relationship months ago, he's married now, fixing to have their first child and all that." "And what, you still have feelings for her?" "That just it, it wasn’t a her, it was a him, I mean if I'm to be my most honest, ah, I see, do you, do you really Kyler see?” “Because for the life of me I don't, see, well is this, your being here with me, with Caddy something Vince that is being force upon you or is this what you want?” “I don't feel forced, no, and it could very well be what I want, even what I need, but, but I just don’t know yet, is that ok, that I just don’t know just yet.” “Well," glancing off into a look at the time did Kyler Michelle more than, like even welcomed his honesty, how that could only strengthen the relationship they would one day have. “The movie is about to start, I’ll just get Caddy to bed and I’ll meet you in the front with a large bowl of popped corn." "I wouldn’t blame you Kyler if never want to speak to me again, believe me Vince I like your honesty, I more than welcomed it." "I don’t have to worry about going around in circles with you, of again, on again, not with everything laid out flat on the table, now, go make yourself comfortable,I’ll be right in, ok, if you say so, I say so, now go.”

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