Nicole XVIII
You Just entered the African Juttah 2020
By: Patricia A. Bradford, Apostle
...At Headmost This Cracking Unharmed...
Wr. 1992-1996
"{{{Vincent Enrico here, Mr. Enrico you don't know me but I'm Regan's
Whitehead's room-mate, Mrs. Copeson, I called to, excuse me?" Lingering in
a lengthy pause after her at trying his best to familiarize himself with those
acquaintances. "Something really, really bad, I'm sorry who is this again?"
"Regan's Fiancé's beat her, raped her and slipped up in the shower killing
himself, the vow, the years wait, yes, exactly, Miss Regan Whitehead." Ah
God how terrible," as one leaping into an abrupt stand at the very thought of
such horrid News, did he instead ready to take note. "Are you at all, as I was
saying she suffered a nervous breakdown and is in critical condition." "Any
way Mr. Enrico I don't know if I can reach Mr. McPhearson but when and if I do
I will make certain he's to know we had this conversation, this day, this time."
"Of course" as one stun speechless Vincent didn't know how to believe, what
to say and most of how he would tell Phearson, "of course I'll get word to him
as soon as possible, what hospital did you say?" "As one readying a pen,
some paper for note taking, did Vincent know how urgent this was as Phear-
son thought himself madly in love with this one. "Regan Central Whitehead is
at New York General, she's in their trauma center, like I said she's in critical
but stable condition." "Mr. McPhearson need to come, he need to come as
soon as possible, she need him more now than ever, please hurry." <<<
"Man you're unusually quiet" was Phearson McPhearson as usual this happy-
go-lucky participant at really enjoying his delicious meal "something has
happen, ---something has happen," funning his face playfully toying at him, as
Vincent was always so serious, always so business like. "What you mean
some, it's about her, Regan" noticing Phearson is to rest his fork into a sense
of defense, what about her could have Vincent this stirred up? How it was he
who'd all the more encouraged the entire thing. "What about her Vince, I'm not
going to change, It would Phearson seem her fiancé attacked her, attacked!"
As though he's to scrutinize that word especially, what kind of news, of horrid
report was Vincent hiding from him? "Apparently Phearson attacked her,
abused her sexually and, wha, what?" Pausing into a still, baffled mode, when
suddenly a riveting reality of all Vincent was saying did a sicken Phearson
McPhearson at feeling his freshly fed stomach erupting into his throat, his
mouth that only with Vincent's help did he get to the men's room fast
enough, to a toilet, to a sickening outburst, rage, exploding him into a vomiting
frenzy." "Phearce!" Worrying after him, this horrid performance of himself
could Vincent hear him gurgitating when suddenly this massive anger. God
damn it, I knew it!" As so this abrupt outrage, this volatile contact with the stall,
beating, kicking, screaming, "damn it!" "Ah god what have I done?" As one
crashing and smashing uncontrollably at having a seat, at resting his forehead
upon his lap, at taking long, deep, calming breaths. "Who told you this?"
"Vince, yeah I'm right here, who?" "A Mrs. Copeson, said she's Regan's room
mate, ah god Vince this is all my fault" as one in a devastating, agonizing form
of helplessness was Phearson McPhearson confusingly enough rocking
himself back and forth, back and forth "If I'd never met with her you know, what
else was said?" "Severely beaten, suffering a nervous breakdown she's in
New York, get me there Vince, what about the, I don't give a damn about the
reviews," kicking and tearing roughly into that door, into that entire stall, was
he so tremendously angry not at Herenton Egan but at himself. "You hear me
damn it?" "The interviews can wait, you get me there and you get me there
now!" For they say the Lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth
Eze. 8:12. From Beast of Beauty fea. Meshullum Kadesh. As to pluck Ambers
from the burning, by Patricia A. Bradford, The Rising Above Ministry, (RAM) ©
Copyright 1992-1996 By: R.A.M., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
WARNING: It is a violation of true righteousness to use these moments, their
explicit illustrations in a manner inconsistent with sacred godliness undefiled
toward both God and man...See, Matt 22:36-40, Ephs 5:21-33, Ephs. 4:21-
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