Though War shall Rise Against Me
-“So how is she?” “Ah , coping a lot better I assure you, so what’s the big emergency?” “Tell me the truth, the last I saw you two, well there was obvious friction.” “ok, if you insist, Rig was contemplating adoption, giving the unborn up for adoption, though this thing with you and Caddy changed all of that.” “You’re on the pretense it never crossed your mind, that living with a child that’s to remind you constantly of Rig’s violent attack isn’t to place unwarranted pressure on the relationship, let alone Phearce the marriage?” “What are you talking about, what is going on inside of Rig now is this extraordinary event, I’m sure Vince once the child is born, it will be even more this miracle.” Miss Rus’sell called me today, this morning, just as I arrived at work, are you serious, what did she want?”’Ah she gave me quite a tongue licking, ok, poor choice of words, she wanted to know what’s that horrible thing we said to her brother, what give us the right.” “How it’s virtually defective that we’re to enforce our sickening beliefs on her impressionable brother.” “There Phearce, right there I asked her, who was the greatest threat to her brother the God of heaven or the god, Satan’s seat of this world?” “What did she say to that?’ “Nothing for a long time, I even thought she’d hung the communicator in my face, then suddenly she said, you guys just stay the hell away from my brother.” “I reminded her, it was her brother that came to us, and not we to him, he was looking for God, but he was doing it in all the wrong places, this evil carnal world, instead of a sincere to penitence heart, then she hung up in my face.” “I send him that Paris Globe article, “blood farmers,” are you, man if that doesn’t get you, as so Vince I send him “A Man Went Out To Sow, that mean if he and sis are really close that he’ll probably shared them with her, so don’t be surprised if she come gunning for you next, literally.” “Speaking of gunning for me, for us, I had this dream last night where we, we as in the Church-bride, we were all under attack, that those resisting us were kicking our doors in coming after us, that doing this entire horror I had this single concern, I didn’t have the right shoes on my feet for fleeing, in other words Phearce, I didn’t have on my running shoes.” “I, I, I keep Vince having dreams about war, about plans for war being made, I even wanted to go to the communicator and see, search out just how war on America’s soil would be like you know.” “Then the Holy Spirit start describing how most people would simply run for the border, Canada, the Mexican bothers, others who could, those with boats would flock to the Caribbean, you know things of that nature.” “When I awaken the other morning, I could swear Vince there was a form of air assault, of star wars going on right overhead, just outside the window, but Rig said she didn’t hear anything and soon the sound dissipated.” “I still don’t know whether it was low flying jets, or dreams and images of what’s to come, I saw the church bride arrival in heaven, excuse me, in the dream it was her, this Tennyson person, but at the same time it was the church bride, she was arriving at exactly 3:00 in the am.” “Ahhh, man, I know, it’s crazy right?” “So this Caddy deal, it was steering Ctentri along the righteous path and that’s it or is there other analysis to consider, even render?” “You talking about Tennyson?” “You have to remember Vince Ctentri did have some belief and love in his heart after the Supreme, he’d just been following the wrong doctrine, his own will.” “Though Tennyson, and I know Vince all things are possible with the Supreme, I mean at us, the only way to possibly trust it is if she come to you.” “And you think she will?” “If she’s to seek the Supreme’s will for her life, and I think with Ctentri determination to be the righteousness of the Supreme Father, it’s possible, you Phearce say wait, how long?” “I mean the only thing I can think about is how you went after Regan Central, yes, but Rig and I were, she thought herself in love with me, yeah, yeah and I Vince think myself in love with Tennyson, ah god, are you serious?” “Yeah, I actually find myself burning with needing and wanting her, that’s the way it was in the dream, I couldn’t keep myself off of her though I knew I had too, you know.” “I’ll wait, if you think that’s what I should do?” “No, Vince, you do what you think is best, I would like to see Caddy again, she is very special to me as well, I don’t know, I guess we’ll see huh?” ”Yeah Vince, I guess we will, as you say see, what is that, that look, that snide remark, what snide remark, what look?” “Ok, ok I’ll call her, and go from there, I like it, I think it’s the wisest decision you’re to make ever, I hope so, you know I’ve never liked sofa sleeping.” Huh?” “My insanity Phearce, your sofa, --ok, I think I see.”
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Nicole XXVII
How Long, O Lord, Holy And True?
-“My goodness,” looking up from his drink at the bar did a cheerful Vincent Dante find himself face to face with an astonishing thing. “I see you made it to New York, yeah, I see you remember, -Ctentri right, yeah I remember, I thought I would take you up on your offer.” “Just how did you find me?” “Ahhh,” having glanced curiously around the night club soon seeing a kind wave of Phearson McPhearson, did he get up, with this guess following, to join him. “I thought you told me you would never be caught dead in this place again, well Vince I guess you can say I’ve done a lot of dying since.” “I had to bring Ctentri here to you, he said he felt lead of the Lord, even the spirit, that he couldn’t let you Vince get away.” “It’s not of God, what?” Having a smile of uncertainty to whether Vincent was talking to him or Phearson, did he rub a nervousness as this into his slacks, a defective glance about. “What you’re seeking Ctentri, it’s not of God and if Holy Spirits did indeed lead you here, that’s what I’m supposed to tell you, actually we, it’s what we’re to tell you.” “What make you, how, why are you so certain?” “You’re talking about same sex relations right, courtships, marriages?” “There’s only one god Ctentri that can give you what you’re searching for and it’s not the God of heaven, not unless He’s to abandoned His own will for mankind, even this Christ Lord, Jesus.” ”You ever heard of the Genesis, of Adam and Eve?” “of course, I know about God ancient of years ago creating one man, -and that one man Ctentri not just male and female, but husband and wife, you have to then realize this is God’s will for mankind despite the passage of time, male and female, husband and wife.” “Yeah, yeah, you think I haven’t heard this all before, ok Ctentri, what is sin?” “What you mean what is sin?” “All unrighteousness is sin, but whose to say, ---sin is a transgression against the righteousness of God, and same sex relations fit under the banner of fornication, right?” “Unless you’re married, ---if it’s not, if Ctentri it’s not of God how will you ever justify it marriage or not?” “People are allowed to transgress against God everyday, twenty-four hours a day, it doesn’t mean it’s justified by God, but that man, like God is free to practice his own will, he’s even free to kill and die but after this, --I know, I know, reaping what’s sown, the judgment await.” “Though if sodomy can never be justified, not only is it fornication, it is a transgression against the body.” “It’s the one sin, that is a transgression against the body, the very body Holy Spirits want to take and make into the temple of God.” “The temple of God Ctentri is where God in all of his glory, power and mercy dwell, it’s the Christ citing, destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild.” “Yeah, it’s what the Supreme Christ was describing to the Samaritan woman, how the cathedrals and the temples and churches and congregations would all be done away with.” “That for whatever purpose they served would now be performed individually within each believer, now serving God in spirit and truth and where not even the gates of hell could prevail.” “But, but, it’s not possible, talk about away with the middle wall of partition, the entire assembly would, I know, like Jesus, they would fight us to the death, but without prevail.” “No, no still, what you’re saying that would make us like god, more like the Christ Lord, who was God manifested in the flesh.” “My Jesus in heaven,” displaying a gasping sigh of bedazzledment at falling back into his seat, of all he was seeing and hearing. Truly, the very implication, the sure glory, even divinity of what he was seeing, two of the most gorgeous men in the world, most of all what he was hearing. “Even guys if what you’re saying is true, I couldn’t do it, --no, none of us can, as you say, do it, it’s why we have to surrender.” “It’s why Ctentri we have to lay down our arms so to speak that they’re to do it, God’s will through us.” “You must be born again,” passing away into a blank awareness at quoting this especial Christ of them all, at thinking what indeed had he got himself into, indeed who where these guys? “Yes, but most of all Ctentri you must be willing, willing because the Supreme heavenly host cannot, and the emphasis Ctentri is on can’t, they cannot go against your free will.” “Only as you reconcile with them, and yield your will forthwith do they then by a spiritual intervention inexpressible." "Do they then begin to shape your heart, unto your mind, unto your soul into a holiness of the Lord Father Supreme, yeah the only sacrifice the Holy Lord will not despise.” “It make sense, flesh and blood, sin, cannot inherit, this is why they hated him so, but they only got a glimpse of what you guys are telling me now, yeah, but even this indication of God’s form of righteousness Ctentri, right there manifested in flesh jeopardized and imperiled all things they’d believed and taught since father Abraham.” “And, and, what make you, how do you, what make you guys so sure?” “It’s the truth, the truth according to the living and righteous word of God, it is this greatest testament of all at God’s will for the spiritual will of mankind.” “We haven’t Ctentri told you anything that isn’t according to the living word, just ask yourself, what is God’s will for not only this life, but mostly for your eternity?” “As you just quoted, if flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s Kingdom, then how does flesh and blood then transform to Holy Spirit, how do sinful flesh become Holy?” “The Supreme Christ born of a free will, tempted at all points inherited God’s Kingdom because he gave over his will to the will of God.” “Yeah it happen to me right here, well not right here, up there, sitting at that bar, coming here was everything and all things.” “It was like clockwork, my favorite thing of all to do, then all of sudden this particular night I saw things in a light.” “In a revelation if you will like I’d never seen it before." "I know Vince I never told you this, but I suddenly glanced about the entire club and I said to myself, all these people are going to hell, and I’m going with them.” “I didn’t know it then, but it was a breaking through of the illusive veil pulled over our sense of spiritual awareness from our mother’s womb." "Though now like you Ctentri, I begin to know and to accept and believe what was by Holy Spirits made known to me.” “That’s why you abandon the club, yes, that ‘s why, this belief didn’t come easy, the truth was like stabbing thieves all over and through, because I didn’t want it to be true.” “I didn’t want the will I treasured so to be hostile to God’s will, even a hatred and a rebellion, but there it all was.” “There, in the Supreme’s living word, forget choosing the will of a perverse lifestyle, though from my mother’s womb, I was a transgression against God as all are, cursed.” “So you guys are saying this is what has brought me to New York, to you two?” “We’re saying this, as you say is Holy Spirits will for all mankind, they will not Ctentri leave you ignorant therein, again, God’s will, that mankind, all of them, us, is to dwell like Holy Spirits, in the house of this Lord Father forever.”
-“My goodness,” looking up from his drink at the bar did a cheerful Vincent Dante find himself face to face with an astonishing thing. “I see you made it to New York, yeah, I see you remember, -Ctentri right, yeah I remember, I thought I would take you up on your offer.” “Just how did you find me?” “Ahhh,” having glanced curiously around the night club soon seeing a kind wave of Phearson McPhearson, did he get up, with this guess following, to join him. “I thought you told me you would never be caught dead in this place again, well Vince I guess you can say I’ve done a lot of dying since.” “I had to bring Ctentri here to you, he said he felt lead of the Lord, even the spirit, that he couldn’t let you Vince get away.” “It’s not of God, what?” Having a smile of uncertainty to whether Vincent was talking to him or Phearson, did he rub a nervousness as this into his slacks, a defective glance about. “What you’re seeking Ctentri, it’s not of God and if Holy Spirits did indeed lead you here, that’s what I’m supposed to tell you, actually we, it’s what we’re to tell you.” “What make you, how, why are you so certain?” “You’re talking about same sex relations right, courtships, marriages?” “There’s only one god Ctentri that can give you what you’re searching for and it’s not the God of heaven, not unless He’s to abandoned His own will for mankind, even this Christ Lord, Jesus.” ”You ever heard of the Genesis, of Adam and Eve?” “of course, I know about God ancient of years ago creating one man, -and that one man Ctentri not just male and female, but husband and wife, you have to then realize this is God’s will for mankind despite the passage of time, male and female, husband and wife.” “Yeah, yeah, you think I haven’t heard this all before, ok Ctentri, what is sin?” “What you mean what is sin?” “All unrighteousness is sin, but whose to say, ---sin is a transgression against the righteousness of God, and same sex relations fit under the banner of fornication, right?” “Unless you’re married, ---if it’s not, if Ctentri it’s not of God how will you ever justify it marriage or not?” “People are allowed to transgress against God everyday, twenty-four hours a day, it doesn’t mean it’s justified by God, but that man, like God is free to practice his own will, he’s even free to kill and die but after this, --I know, I know, reaping what’s sown, the judgment await.” “Though if sodomy can never be justified, not only is it fornication, it is a transgression against the body.” “It’s the one sin, that is a transgression against the body, the very body Holy Spirits want to take and make into the temple of God.” “The temple of God Ctentri is where God in all of his glory, power and mercy dwell, it’s the Christ citing, destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild.” “Yeah, it’s what the Supreme Christ was describing to the Samaritan woman, how the cathedrals and the temples and churches and congregations would all be done away with.” “That for whatever purpose they served would now be performed individually within each believer, now serving God in spirit and truth and where not even the gates of hell could prevail.” “But, but, it’s not possible, talk about away with the middle wall of partition, the entire assembly would, I know, like Jesus, they would fight us to the death, but without prevail.” “No, no still, what you’re saying that would make us like god, more like the Christ Lord, who was God manifested in the flesh.” “My Jesus in heaven,” displaying a gasping sigh of bedazzledment at falling back into his seat, of all he was seeing and hearing. Truly, the very implication, the sure glory, even divinity of what he was seeing, two of the most gorgeous men in the world, most of all what he was hearing. “Even guys if what you’re saying is true, I couldn’t do it, --no, none of us can, as you say, do it, it’s why we have to surrender.” “It’s why Ctentri we have to lay down our arms so to speak that they’re to do it, God’s will through us.” “You must be born again,” passing away into a blank awareness at quoting this especial Christ of them all, at thinking what indeed had he got himself into, indeed who where these guys? “Yes, but most of all Ctentri you must be willing, willing because the Supreme heavenly host cannot, and the emphasis Ctentri is on can’t, they cannot go against your free will.” “Only as you reconcile with them, and yield your will forthwith do they then by a spiritual intervention inexpressible." "Do they then begin to shape your heart, unto your mind, unto your soul into a holiness of the Lord Father Supreme, yeah the only sacrifice the Holy Lord will not despise.” “It make sense, flesh and blood, sin, cannot inherit, this is why they hated him so, but they only got a glimpse of what you guys are telling me now, yeah, but even this indication of God’s form of righteousness Ctentri, right there manifested in flesh jeopardized and imperiled all things they’d believed and taught since father Abraham.” “And, and, what make you, how do you, what make you guys so sure?” “It’s the truth, the truth according to the living and righteous word of God, it is this greatest testament of all at God’s will for the spiritual will of mankind.” “We haven’t Ctentri told you anything that isn’t according to the living word, just ask yourself, what is God’s will for not only this life, but mostly for your eternity?” “As you just quoted, if flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s Kingdom, then how does flesh and blood then transform to Holy Spirit, how do sinful flesh become Holy?” “The Supreme Christ born of a free will, tempted at all points inherited God’s Kingdom because he gave over his will to the will of God.” “Yeah it happen to me right here, well not right here, up there, sitting at that bar, coming here was everything and all things.” “It was like clockwork, my favorite thing of all to do, then all of sudden this particular night I saw things in a light.” “In a revelation if you will like I’d never seen it before." "I know Vince I never told you this, but I suddenly glanced about the entire club and I said to myself, all these people are going to hell, and I’m going with them.” “I didn’t know it then, but it was a breaking through of the illusive veil pulled over our sense of spiritual awareness from our mother’s womb." "Though now like you Ctentri, I begin to know and to accept and believe what was by Holy Spirits made known to me.” “That’s why you abandon the club, yes, that ‘s why, this belief didn’t come easy, the truth was like stabbing thieves all over and through, because I didn’t want it to be true.” “I didn’t want the will I treasured so to be hostile to God’s will, even a hatred and a rebellion, but there it all was.” “There, in the Supreme’s living word, forget choosing the will of a perverse lifestyle, though from my mother’s womb, I was a transgression against God as all are, cursed.” “So you guys are saying this is what has brought me to New York, to you two?” “We’re saying this, as you say is Holy Spirits will for all mankind, they will not Ctentri leave you ignorant therein, again, God’s will, that mankind, all of them, us, is to dwell like Holy Spirits, in the house of this Lord Father forever.”
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Nicole XXVI
O Daughters Of My People
Scene XXVI
"We don’t understand, it’s as simple as that, why isn’t Caddy with you?”
“We,” as one glancing confusingly Phearson own waywardness at realizing arriving in Washington State without Cadence Nicole was a bit unnerving. “it’s plain Mr. Dante wanted to meet you, all of you first hand, the way your sister, Kyler isn’t my sister, she’s my cousin, and Caddy isn’t my niece, she’s my daughter, tell the officers they may come in.” “Officer, what is, what is happening Mr. Dante or what ever the hell yor name is Cadence Nicole was taken from us over two years ago, it would seem our dear cousin because of our belief, or the lack thereof thought us unfit and just went to her daycare one day and just took her.” “They say they have my daughter,” seeing the officers come right re-day hand cuffs, looking to arrest them on suspicion of kidnapping, and child endangerment. “Look what I, we just told you was the honest to God truth, we only meet Kyler like a couple months ago.” “Well Mr.,” ---Dante, it’s Dante, if what you’re saying is truth it won’t be at all to prove, ok, ok, but are the handcuffs necessary, Miss Russell, yes I’m right behind you, Ctentri, yes, I’m coming as well.” “I can’t believe this, can you believe this, look, calm down we’ll have this straighten out in no time, we can even call Rig, get her to bring Cadence right alone, for some reason Phearce, I started to feel we were in trouble the moment this Tennyson person admitted Kyler was only a cousin.” “Well so much for Rig’s theory huh?” I don’t know, I wouldn’t count these allegations of hers off the beaten path just yet.” “This Tennyson person talked of Kyler being uneasy at their belief, even panic, yeah enough Phearce to kidnap a child.” <<
Scene XXVI
"We don’t understand, it’s as simple as that, why isn’t Caddy with you?”
“We,” as one glancing confusingly Phearson own waywardness at realizing arriving in Washington State without Cadence Nicole was a bit unnerving. “it’s plain Mr. Dante wanted to meet you, all of you first hand, the way your sister, Kyler isn’t my sister, she’s my cousin, and Caddy isn’t my niece, she’s my daughter, tell the officers they may come in.” “Officer, what is, what is happening Mr. Dante or what ever the hell yor name is Cadence Nicole was taken from us over two years ago, it would seem our dear cousin because of our belief, or the lack thereof thought us unfit and just went to her daycare one day and just took her.” “They say they have my daughter,” seeing the officers come right re-day hand cuffs, looking to arrest them on suspicion of kidnapping, and child endangerment. “Look what I, we just told you was the honest to God truth, we only meet Kyler like a couple months ago.” “Well Mr.,” ---Dante, it’s Dante, if what you’re saying is truth it won’t be at all to prove, ok, ok, but are the handcuffs necessary, Miss Russell, yes I’m right behind you, Ctentri, yes, I’m coming as well.” “I can’t believe this, can you believe this, look, calm down we’ll have this straighten out in no time, we can even call Rig, get her to bring Cadence right alone, for some reason Phearce, I started to feel we were in trouble the moment this Tennyson person admitted Kyler was only a cousin.” “Well so much for Rig’s theory huh?” I don’t know, I wouldn’t count these allegations of hers off the beaten path just yet.” “This Tennyson person talked of Kyler being uneasy at their belief, even panic, yeah enough Phearce to kidnap a child.” <<
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Nicole XXV
…The Lord Reigheth…
Scene XXV
“So how did it go?” "Well, with a visibly weary Vincent Dante getting back into car fastening his seat belt having left Cadance Nichole at her favorite daycare, had mother Kyler planned these things well.” “It would see Pearce there is a grandmar Nicey, as so an Uncle John, upon which I think is grandpar, there is a Century, perhaps an uncle, as so is there a Tennsyson, female possibly an Aunt, and the one described by Caddy as being the most like her mom." "There is no threat to her by these people, she think highly of them all, so, ---so it’s as Rig said, and what did Rig say, I said I think Kyler did things this way not so much to bring Cadence to her relatives but you, I think this is an attempt to introduce you to Caddy’s people.” “What?” Feeling his weight pulling at her seat that her he's to get a better look, even a better feel of what she was saying, even the implication of what she was saying. “I don’t think I, for some reason Vince she thinks you’re good for her daughter, that her daughter is good for you, which is obvious, but what’s not obvious is what is good for you waiting at Kyler’s home town?” “Well just so you guys know, I’ve decided not to keep her, yeah well we kind of figured that, but so did Kyler which give more credence to what Rig is saying." "That Vince you’re possibly being set up, setup for what?” “Don’t tell me Kyler came all this way, planned a suicide, abandoned her daughter to me all for a blind date with her sister?” “Anyway I’ll be at attempts at reaching them all through the day, when Vince they’re only one phone call away I bet ya.” “You're thinking Rig what I’m thinking, that the reason Caddy keep describing her aunt as the one like her mother is because they’re perhaps twins, and possibly the match made in heaven Vince really saw?” “Look thanks you guys for all your help, I have a lot of traveling to do, Washington State, thanks you guys for getting Caddy for me, yeah Vince," seeing he’s to exit their car into his own car right at the side of them. Indeed was a charismatic Dante Vincent not hearing these eerie scenarios of there’s, he just wanted to get the girl to family so he could get his life back. “Would you Vince be very angry at me if I say what just happen with Caddy changes things, I don’t think I want to consider adoption after all.” “You going back to the house or straight to class?” “I Hurt you and I’m sorry, please accept my apology, I don’t think I can live with you giving me the silent treatment.” “I’m more concern about Vince than I’m letting on, I don’t know if he should go at this alone, I sense he’s in danger." "What you think?” “You think he’s to let you tag alone?” “To be honest Rig think he’s to welcome it, then drop me at the house to my car and call me from the airport." "We can Rig act as though it never happen, this adoption thing, what adoption thing?” “Perfect, that’s why you're so, you know, perfect, when a husband is right, a husband is right, I don’t know Rig, sometimes Vince can be really stubborn, well.” As one grabbing her things readying to get out, was Regan Central pretty certain Vince Dante would more than welcomed his addition. “I’m pretty sure he’ll be thrilled to have you alone, just go, do it, and I'll see you two in time for dinner.” “I hope she know what she’s talking about, I’m talking to myself I know, but what the worse that can happen except he send me back?" "I’ll just see Rig without company, sooner than to be expected.” {{{Pierce here,” peeking into his side view mirror at advancing into an alternate lane, advancing further was he at least twenty minutes away from the airport. “So how long before you get here?” “Wait a minute, did Rig call you?” “No, I just strongly sensed you want to tag alone, you strongly sensed huh?” “What time is the flight?” “Man I still don’t believe this, it’s so unreal I keep waiting to wake up in the hospital additionally, actually this is too weird to be a dream if you know what I mean, yea see you in few, yeah, in a few.”
Scene XXV
“So how did it go?” "Well, with a visibly weary Vincent Dante getting back into car fastening his seat belt having left Cadance Nichole at her favorite daycare, had mother Kyler planned these things well.” “It would see Pearce there is a grandmar Nicey, as so an Uncle John, upon which I think is grandpar, there is a Century, perhaps an uncle, as so is there a Tennsyson, female possibly an Aunt, and the one described by Caddy as being the most like her mom." "There is no threat to her by these people, she think highly of them all, so, ---so it’s as Rig said, and what did Rig say, I said I think Kyler did things this way not so much to bring Cadence to her relatives but you, I think this is an attempt to introduce you to Caddy’s people.” “What?” Feeling his weight pulling at her seat that her he's to get a better look, even a better feel of what she was saying, even the implication of what she was saying. “I don’t think I, for some reason Vince she thinks you’re good for her daughter, that her daughter is good for you, which is obvious, but what’s not obvious is what is good for you waiting at Kyler’s home town?” “Well just so you guys know, I’ve decided not to keep her, yeah well we kind of figured that, but so did Kyler which give more credence to what Rig is saying." "That Vince you’re possibly being set up, setup for what?” “Don’t tell me Kyler came all this way, planned a suicide, abandoned her daughter to me all for a blind date with her sister?” “Anyway I’ll be at attempts at reaching them all through the day, when Vince they’re only one phone call away I bet ya.” “You're thinking Rig what I’m thinking, that the reason Caddy keep describing her aunt as the one like her mother is because they’re perhaps twins, and possibly the match made in heaven Vince really saw?” “Look thanks you guys for all your help, I have a lot of traveling to do, Washington State, thanks you guys for getting Caddy for me, yeah Vince," seeing he’s to exit their car into his own car right at the side of them. Indeed was a charismatic Dante Vincent not hearing these eerie scenarios of there’s, he just wanted to get the girl to family so he could get his life back. “Would you Vince be very angry at me if I say what just happen with Caddy changes things, I don’t think I want to consider adoption after all.” “You going back to the house or straight to class?” “I Hurt you and I’m sorry, please accept my apology, I don’t think I can live with you giving me the silent treatment.” “I’m more concern about Vince than I’m letting on, I don’t know if he should go at this alone, I sense he’s in danger." "What you think?” “You think he’s to let you tag alone?” “To be honest Rig think he’s to welcome it, then drop me at the house to my car and call me from the airport." "We can Rig act as though it never happen, this adoption thing, what adoption thing?” “Perfect, that’s why you're so, you know, perfect, when a husband is right, a husband is right, I don’t know Rig, sometimes Vince can be really stubborn, well.” As one grabbing her things readying to get out, was Regan Central pretty certain Vince Dante would more than welcomed his addition. “I’m pretty sure he’ll be thrilled to have you alone, just go, do it, and I'll see you two in time for dinner.” “I hope she know what she’s talking about, I’m talking to myself I know, but what the worse that can happen except he send me back?" "I’ll just see Rig without company, sooner than to be expected.” {{{Pierce here,” peeking into his side view mirror at advancing into an alternate lane, advancing further was he at least twenty minutes away from the airport. “So how long before you get here?” “Wait a minute, did Rig call you?” “No, I just strongly sensed you want to tag alone, you strongly sensed huh?” “What time is the flight?” “Man I still don’t believe this, it’s so unreal I keep waiting to wake up in the hospital additionally, actually this is too weird to be a dream if you know what I mean, yea see you in few, yeah, in a few.”
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Nicole XXIV
…Render A Reward To The Proud…
Scene XXIV
“You’re really quiet today,” having cuddled upon the sofa into one the other arms were they both heavy with eye popping news laying them both quite still. “Kyler, Vince new friend, it seem Rig, she killed herself, ah god please don’t tell me that, I know, I didn’t want to, I been laying here babe trying not to.” “Before I got back to you, we were at the fire station of all places, seeming the suicide note included them and her dying efforts that Vince end up with custody of her daughter.” “Excuse me!” Bringing her up shockingly into a face to face awareness of him and what he was saying, how bizarre that he was saying it, how unbelievable. “I know Rig how it sound and all, but I was right there, I heard them tell him her dying wish was that her daughter go to him, and if not him, then to her relatives.” “My god,” springing up this visible sore straight through, what was the world coming too, and how long before the Supreme put an end to it all? “I can’t tell you Pearce how sad that make me, how it just breaks my heart in two, I mean was Vince that good or are her parents that horrible?” “I know, I know, I haven’t been able to shake it, and this little girl, she’s crazy about Vince, it’s as though she has known him and trusted him her entire life, they’ve only just met and he’s like a father to her.” “Well I have remarkable news as well, not as remarkable as all of that, but Pearce remarkable still, Dr. Tracky seem to think I’m having twins.” “Twins?” Sitting him right up this happy sort, what was heart-dropping news for her as usual was simply fascinating news for him. “My word Rig, that mean it’s going to be one for me and one for you, there’s something I been meaning to tell you.” “I’ve ask Dr. Tracky to help me with closed adoption plans, you what?” Sitting straight up this significant weight this was possibly the reason she never allowed him to attend her doctor’s appointments with her. “I don’t understand, I know you don’t and it just can’t be helped, can’t be helped, who are you Rig and where is the woman I loved and vowed myself to accordingly?” “Why did you pretend we had this all settled if this is how you really felt?” “I never Pearce said it was settled, you just assumed it was, this was the, the problem I had with Herenton, I wanted to put my career before having a family, I Pearce yet feel this way.” ‘This, this is how you tell me?” “Good night Rig, don’t, don’t be, I wish you would stay and talk to me, about what?” “I’ve told you Rig in every way I can how I feel about you, about this pregnancy, how it can be an astonishing start for us both.” “I have an early morning, well actually we both do, I told Vince we would be there early to help with Caddy, so, well, goodnight.” >>>”No she’s asleep now, but Momma, what am I going to do with a child, especially a little girl?” “You’re figure it out son, you always do, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, what a charitable undertaking quite astonishing, well if I can do anything to help don’t hesitate to call, yeah Mom, thanks.}}} {{{Hey Vince, I was just readying to call you, you’re not reneging on tomorrow are you because I tell you that’s the only glimmer of hope I truly have.” “No, I’ll be there fair and square, so how is fatherhood, I’m not a father and thanks to the supreme she’s fast asleep, she ate a good meal, took herself a good bath, she’s really independent that way.” “I can’t get over her mother doing that to herself and leaving this precious child behind you know, is this my fault?” “Your fault?” “Yeah, maybe I should’ve been around more, gave it a better try like you said, I think Kyler had this planned all along, that coming here was a detour bring Caddy to you.” “You know you going to have to explain that right?” Yeah I know, tomorrow, you get some sleep, I can’t imagined how tedious it’s to be talking care of a four year old.” “Well I’m going to call the relatives tomorrow, let them know what happen, get their help deciding what to do next.” “Just Vince you remember, for some reason Kyler didn’t want Caddy with them, so much so she moved thousands of miles away and left her beloved daughter to a stranger.” “I know, I’ve considered all of that, see you bright and early in the morning, yeah, look, tell mom to be Rig I said goodnight, yeah Vince, you know I will.”
Scene XXIV
“You’re really quiet today,” having cuddled upon the sofa into one the other arms were they both heavy with eye popping news laying them both quite still. “Kyler, Vince new friend, it seem Rig, she killed herself, ah god please don’t tell me that, I know, I didn’t want to, I been laying here babe trying not to.” “Before I got back to you, we were at the fire station of all places, seeming the suicide note included them and her dying efforts that Vince end up with custody of her daughter.” “Excuse me!” Bringing her up shockingly into a face to face awareness of him and what he was saying, how bizarre that he was saying it, how unbelievable. “I know Rig how it sound and all, but I was right there, I heard them tell him her dying wish was that her daughter go to him, and if not him, then to her relatives.” “My god,” springing up this visible sore straight through, what was the world coming too, and how long before the Supreme put an end to it all? “I can’t tell you Pearce how sad that make me, how it just breaks my heart in two, I mean was Vince that good or are her parents that horrible?” “I know, I know, I haven’t been able to shake it, and this little girl, she’s crazy about Vince, it’s as though she has known him and trusted him her entire life, they’ve only just met and he’s like a father to her.” “Well I have remarkable news as well, not as remarkable as all of that, but Pearce remarkable still, Dr. Tracky seem to think I’m having twins.” “Twins?” Sitting him right up this happy sort, what was heart-dropping news for her as usual was simply fascinating news for him. “My word Rig, that mean it’s going to be one for me and one for you, there’s something I been meaning to tell you.” “I’ve ask Dr. Tracky to help me with closed adoption plans, you what?” Sitting straight up this significant weight this was possibly the reason she never allowed him to attend her doctor’s appointments with her. “I don’t understand, I know you don’t and it just can’t be helped, can’t be helped, who are you Rig and where is the woman I loved and vowed myself to accordingly?” “Why did you pretend we had this all settled if this is how you really felt?” “I never Pearce said it was settled, you just assumed it was, this was the, the problem I had with Herenton, I wanted to put my career before having a family, I Pearce yet feel this way.” ‘This, this is how you tell me?” “Good night Rig, don’t, don’t be, I wish you would stay and talk to me, about what?” “I’ve told you Rig in every way I can how I feel about you, about this pregnancy, how it can be an astonishing start for us both.” “I have an early morning, well actually we both do, I told Vince we would be there early to help with Caddy, so, well, goodnight.” >>>”No she’s asleep now, but Momma, what am I going to do with a child, especially a little girl?” “You’re figure it out son, you always do, I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, what a charitable undertaking quite astonishing, well if I can do anything to help don’t hesitate to call, yeah Mom, thanks.}}} {{{Hey Vince, I was just readying to call you, you’re not reneging on tomorrow are you because I tell you that’s the only glimmer of hope I truly have.” “No, I’ll be there fair and square, so how is fatherhood, I’m not a father and thanks to the supreme she’s fast asleep, she ate a good meal, took herself a good bath, she’s really independent that way.” “I can’t get over her mother doing that to herself and leaving this precious child behind you know, is this my fault?” “Your fault?” “Yeah, maybe I should’ve been around more, gave it a better try like you said, I think Kyler had this planned all along, that coming here was a detour bring Caddy to you.” “You know you going to have to explain that right?” Yeah I know, tomorrow, you get some sleep, I can’t imagined how tedious it’s to be talking care of a four year old.” “Well I’m going to call the relatives tomorrow, let them know what happen, get their help deciding what to do next.” “Just Vince you remember, for some reason Kyler didn’t want Caddy with them, so much so she moved thousands of miles away and left her beloved daughter to a stranger.” “I know, I’ve considered all of that, see you bright and early in the morning, yeah, look, tell mom to be Rig I said goodnight, yeah Vince, you know I will.”
Nicole XXIII
…Lift Up Thyself, Thy Judge Of The Earth…
So when was the last time you saw her?” “Her?” You Vince know what her I’m talking about, how long? “Ummm,” as one playing into a bite of his fries, a sip of his drink was Phearce visiting upon Regan Central’s appointment with the doctor, as usual she didn’t want him around ‘A month, perhaps two, or three, three months, are you serious?” “I don’t believe you, believe what?” It’s just didn’t, didn’t what Vince man, work out?” “How could it when you gave it like zero chance, I tried ok?” As one rushing off into answering the communicator, Phearce didn’t know what terrified Vince so but Kyler was just perfect for him. {{{Hello, yes this is ---him, ex--cuse me, well do I like have too?” “Wait a minute is this like a prank?” “On West Street, I’ll be as soon as possible, yeah you too.” “Woooo what was that about?” “If you can believe it, that was a fire station on West Street, said they need me to come down as soon as possible, stop joshing man, didn’t you hear me, that’s exactly what I said.” “But why on earth would they,” seeing Vince is to as always tidy up behind himself, he was always such this neat fellow. “I mean that’s kinda reverse, so you coming with?” “Heck yeah, I’m wanna see what goes on when emergency crews instead call on you, all I know Pearce man this better not be some prank, hey, don’t look at me,’ as one with innocent hands flying up out of an amused look, was Dante Vince pretty certain this was somebody playing a joke, possibly trying to get him out of the house for a change. “Man somebody is in real trouble, well as long as you know Vince that somebody isn’t me.” “So they didn’t give you a clue?” “No, they had my name, my address said I would be doing them a good service if I came down as soon as possible, you didn’t nominate me as a hero or anything like that?” “You mean that hurricane Harriet review?” “That’s it isn’t it?” “And you can’t tell me because it’s suppose to be a surprise, well Vince if so, I’m just as surprised as you.” <<<“I can see it all over your face, so tell me the good news first, I don’t think Regan this is going to be a single birth, ---excuse, twins, you seem to be carrying twins, ah nall, that’s not possible, maybe you got my ultrasound mixed up with,” seeing he’s to shake his head disagreeably she was uncertain about one child and he was telling her she’s having twins. “Does multiple birth deliveries run in your family? “No, ---and the father?” “Not that I know of, are you Doc, like really sure?” “I mean I haven’t decided whether I’m to keep this one and you’re suggesting I have two.” “First we need to calm down right, and second we need to do more test, so have the hubby come in, we set you up for more test and get you home to rest.” <<<“I’m afraid I don’t understand, isn’t this a job for child services?” ”The mother Mr. Dante left her here, gave us this note, asked us to with all our heart reach you, and if you couldn’t be of any service to her daughter then reach her relatives.” “To be completely honest with you sir, this gentleman here as this witness I’ve known her, and this child barely a month.” “Well apparently Mr. Dante, Enrico, Dante is my first name, you want to take her or no?” “You is all she’s been talking about since she got here, there’s nothing about her mother, or father, just you, Mr. Vincent, the Carnival man.” “Look just take her, make her happy and when she’s asleep in bed reach her relatives, and if that’s not satisfactory, then you get child services involved, ---see?” “What do you think?” “I can’t, I’m so shocked, her mother is gone Vince, for some reason we don’t know this baby has an attachment to you, even in your, well you know.” I don’t know, heck take her with you, and like the chief say, you can get the family involved later.” “Well ok, as he say, good, this will make the child happy, as so the mother, and you doing such a charitable thing, I can’t see how this is to be a bad thing, ever.”
So when was the last time you saw her?” “Her?” You Vince know what her I’m talking about, how long? “Ummm,” as one playing into a bite of his fries, a sip of his drink was Phearce visiting upon Regan Central’s appointment with the doctor, as usual she didn’t want him around ‘A month, perhaps two, or three, three months, are you serious?” “I don’t believe you, believe what?” It’s just didn’t, didn’t what Vince man, work out?” “How could it when you gave it like zero chance, I tried ok?” As one rushing off into answering the communicator, Phearce didn’t know what terrified Vince so but Kyler was just perfect for him. {{{Hello, yes this is ---him, ex--cuse me, well do I like have too?” “Wait a minute is this like a prank?” “On West Street, I’ll be as soon as possible, yeah you too.” “Woooo what was that about?” “If you can believe it, that was a fire station on West Street, said they need me to come down as soon as possible, stop joshing man, didn’t you hear me, that’s exactly what I said.” “But why on earth would they,” seeing Vince is to as always tidy up behind himself, he was always such this neat fellow. “I mean that’s kinda reverse, so you coming with?” “Heck yeah, I’m wanna see what goes on when emergency crews instead call on you, all I know Pearce man this better not be some prank, hey, don’t look at me,’ as one with innocent hands flying up out of an amused look, was Dante Vince pretty certain this was somebody playing a joke, possibly trying to get him out of the house for a change. “Man somebody is in real trouble, well as long as you know Vince that somebody isn’t me.” “So they didn’t give you a clue?” “No, they had my name, my address said I would be doing them a good service if I came down as soon as possible, you didn’t nominate me as a hero or anything like that?” “You mean that hurricane Harriet review?” “That’s it isn’t it?” “And you can’t tell me because it’s suppose to be a surprise, well Vince if so, I’m just as surprised as you.” <<<“I can see it all over your face, so tell me the good news first, I don’t think Regan this is going to be a single birth, ---excuse, twins, you seem to be carrying twins, ah nall, that’s not possible, maybe you got my ultrasound mixed up with,” seeing he’s to shake his head disagreeably she was uncertain about one child and he was telling her she’s having twins. “Does multiple birth deliveries run in your family? “No, ---and the father?” “Not that I know of, are you Doc, like really sure?” “I mean I haven’t decided whether I’m to keep this one and you’re suggesting I have two.” “First we need to calm down right, and second we need to do more test, so have the hubby come in, we set you up for more test and get you home to rest.” <<<“I’m afraid I don’t understand, isn’t this a job for child services?” ”The mother Mr. Dante left her here, gave us this note, asked us to with all our heart reach you, and if you couldn’t be of any service to her daughter then reach her relatives.” “To be completely honest with you sir, this gentleman here as this witness I’ve known her, and this child barely a month.” “Well apparently Mr. Dante, Enrico, Dante is my first name, you want to take her or no?” “You is all she’s been talking about since she got here, there’s nothing about her mother, or father, just you, Mr. Vincent, the Carnival man.” “Look just take her, make her happy and when she’s asleep in bed reach her relatives, and if that’s not satisfactory, then you get child services involved, ---see?” “What do you think?” “I can’t, I’m so shocked, her mother is gone Vince, for some reason we don’t know this baby has an attachment to you, even in your, well you know.” I don’t know, heck take her with you, and like the chief say, you can get the family involved later.” “Well ok, as he say, good, this will make the child happy, as so the mother, and you doing such a charitable thing, I can’t see how this is to be a bad thing, ever.”
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Nicole XXII
WR. 1992-1996
Scene XXII
…Enjoining In Desert Spoon Ang…
“Will the carnival man ever be back?” Sitting in a hot tub of silky smooth, calming waters getting her hair shampoo just in time for a little TV and bed, was Cadence Nicole really taken with Vincent. “I told you honey his name is Vincent, actually Mr. Vincent to you, and he’ll be back when he come back.” “I know what that mean, what miss smarty pants, what does it mean?” “Can I have something to drink, yes, when you’re finished, and that’s may I have something to drink, well captain may I?” “I miss daddy so much and now the Carne, the, Mr. Vincent is gone and not coming back.” “Well you dry off with Mr. Bunny and I’ll be right back, can I have milk, no water, but milk, yes and then young lady it’s off to bed.” “{{{Hello, talking a call just as she’s to exist the bath wondering who was calling her, seeing she get few calls, “is someone there, -your nose is bleeding, excuse me, hello, mom, mom! Yes, what?” “Your nose is bleeding, ah, so it is,” as one grabbing tissues like so, not to concern daughter Cadence but she hoped it wasn’t something serious , and that strange phone call just what was that? “Well it’s all gone, I’ll get your drink then I have to get back to work.” “Now who is this?” With the phone ringing an additional time did she ease in to see just who it was calling, and at this hour. {{{Hello Mar, what is wrong with the communicator there I’ve been calling for an hour, I don’t know mar, how you’re doing, how’s dad, everyone is fine, it is your dad who think there’s something suspicious going on with the satellites, that this is why we’re having so much trouble.” “Dad and his conspiracy theories again huh?” Where’s Ctenri, he’s there or out with his friends?” “Surprisingly enough he’s here, you want to talk, wait, hold on, hold, it’s Kyler, she wanna talk, hey Ky, so when am I coming to join you?” “I got spring break coming up, and I graduate this year you know, I don’t know Ctentri, this is New York, you sure you can do New York?” “That’s what you always say, so where’s baby Iron stein?” “Just about sleep I’m sure, what about Sky, how is she?” “You know she’s about to get her doctorate, so that’ll be Dr. Skyler Reinshorn soon, and she’s not letting any of us forget it, yeah that sound like Skyler alright, what is that?” Peeking into the nearest mirror, seeing her nose is to bleed additionally, ah I better go, I think I hear little Iron stein calling, ok, ok, I guess sis I’ll see you spring break, yeah, I guess.}}}” “What is this about?” Mommmmmy, I need you, I’m coming baby, I’ll be right there, just give me a moment.” >>>”What do you think mom, you think I should join Kyler for spring break, to be honest with you son, yes, yes I do, not that I’m honey rushing you off, well there’s that, but is it as well because I think it’s the best experience for you.” “To be honest mom, Chloe, Mike and Spenser are all contemplating Texas, so I don’t know as yet, it could be New York, it could be Texas, well it good son you have a choice, now choose wisely and clean up this
Pigsty.” “Yeah, bouncing a lay into bed at answering his communicator, was his friend for now Chloe calling to see of his decision which was yet up in the air. “Don’t ask, because I’m still undecided, look if I go to New York instead would you go with me?” “What kind of question is that?” “Maybe I Chloe just want us to spend some time, just you and I, and since when Ctentri are we to have that type of relationship?” “Since now, now right at this moment if you’re to agree, I promise to behave, we can still be just friends, just you and I.” “Just what Ctentri is Mike and Spencer to think of this little twosome of yours?” “Surely they’re going to feel abandoned, come on Chloe, that’s not an excuse right?” “They’re big boys, they’ll be just fine, unless you don’t want to part ways with them, to be honest I don’t want to go to New York, sorry, don’t be, that’s fair, completely, fair, we need to know like by mid-night, so we can ask Bronze, Bronze huh?” “Then midnight Chloe it is, talk to you then, yeah, sure, later, well that went just swell, but at least I got off, now I don’t have to wonder about it or her anymore, I better go shopping for a ticket to New York, boy won’t Ky be surprised.” >>>”Ah, my savior and friend, whatever man, I hope you got a cold bear to drink, I don, and don’t you be so modest, if it wasn’t for you I’ll being looking for another job.” “well it mad sense didn’t it, how where they going to take a tragedy and commit an additional tragedy when there could be triumph instead?” “man you should’ve seen the look on justice face, he was demanding my resignation, they all basically were and here this underwriter was doing and reminding them of their jobs that sorrow if we play our hand right can begot victory, I want you there you know, you want me where?” “when it’s Regan time, you know to deliver, I want you there, I’m not going to be able to it alone, all man you know I’m there, good I already told Rig and it’s fine with her, did I Vince ever tell you how much I hate your Frig?” “ther never anything in it, do you ever eat from your refrigerator, cook on your stove, no, not really, but you knew that, right?” “So is it going with you and Kieler?” “It’s not, {hello, yes this is Vincent Dante, you need me to come where?” “No it just that it all sound a little, about, I don’t know five minutes away,” as one hunking a shoulder of bedazzledment a curious looking Phearson Mcphearson way, it was local fire station, they had an emergency that involved him, it was all as though someone was playing a joke. “well if there’s to be no, other, yes, I’ll be right there, yes, yes, that ok, jyst give me like fifteen minutes.” “Hey you and guys aren’t planning a surprise right, I mean you would tell your best bud right?” “What is going on?” “that was the fire department, the east division, Lawson street, said they have an emergency, they need me to come down as soon as possible, tell me you guys are playing a joke, I promise I won’t get mad, no joke man I’m serious, unless it’s on me as well, then you’ll come with?” “Yeah, sure, why not?” “I wouldn’t miss it.”
>WARNING: It is a violation of true righteousness to use these moments, their explicit illustrations in a manner inconsistent with sacred godliness undefiled toward both God and man....See, Matt 22:36-40, Ephs 5:21-33, Ephs. 4:21-32
WR. 1992-1996
Scene XXII
…Enjoining In Desert Spoon Ang…
“Will the carnival man ever be back?” Sitting in a hot tub of silky smooth, calming waters getting her hair shampoo just in time for a little TV and bed, was Cadence Nicole really taken with Vincent. “I told you honey his name is Vincent, actually Mr. Vincent to you, and he’ll be back when he come back.” “I know what that mean, what miss smarty pants, what does it mean?” “Can I have something to drink, yes, when you’re finished, and that’s may I have something to drink, well captain may I?” “I miss daddy so much and now the Carne, the, Mr. Vincent is gone and not coming back.” “Well you dry off with Mr. Bunny and I’ll be right back, can I have milk, no water, but milk, yes and then young lady it’s off to bed.” “{{{Hello, talking a call just as she’s to exist the bath wondering who was calling her, seeing she get few calls, “is someone there, -your nose is bleeding, excuse me, hello, mom, mom! Yes, what?” “Your nose is bleeding, ah, so it is,” as one grabbing tissues like so, not to concern daughter Cadence but she hoped it wasn’t something serious , and that strange phone call just what was that? “Well it’s all gone, I’ll get your drink then I have to get back to work.” “Now who is this?” With the phone ringing an additional time did she ease in to see just who it was calling, and at this hour. {{{Hello Mar, what is wrong with the communicator there I’ve been calling for an hour, I don’t know mar, how you’re doing, how’s dad, everyone is fine, it is your dad who think there’s something suspicious going on with the satellites, that this is why we’re having so much trouble.” “Dad and his conspiracy theories again huh?” Where’s Ctenri, he’s there or out with his friends?” “Surprisingly enough he’s here, you want to talk, wait, hold on, hold, it’s Kyler, she wanna talk, hey Ky, so when am I coming to join you?” “I got spring break coming up, and I graduate this year you know, I don’t know Ctentri, this is New York, you sure you can do New York?” “That’s what you always say, so where’s baby Iron stein?” “Just about sleep I’m sure, what about Sky, how is she?” “You know she’s about to get her doctorate, so that’ll be Dr. Skyler Reinshorn soon, and she’s not letting any of us forget it, yeah that sound like Skyler alright, what is that?” Peeking into the nearest mirror, seeing her nose is to bleed additionally, ah I better go, I think I hear little Iron stein calling, ok, ok, I guess sis I’ll see you spring break, yeah, I guess.}}}” “What is this about?” Mommmmmy, I need you, I’m coming baby, I’ll be right there, just give me a moment.” >>>”What do you think mom, you think I should join Kyler for spring break, to be honest with you son, yes, yes I do, not that I’m honey rushing you off, well there’s that, but is it as well because I think it’s the best experience for you.” “To be honest mom, Chloe, Mike and Spenser are all contemplating Texas, so I don’t know as yet, it could be New York, it could be Texas, well it good son you have a choice, now choose wisely and clean up this
Pigsty.” “Yeah, bouncing a lay into bed at answering his communicator, was his friend for now Chloe calling to see of his decision which was yet up in the air. “Don’t ask, because I’m still undecided, look if I go to New York instead would you go with me?” “What kind of question is that?” “Maybe I Chloe just want us to spend some time, just you and I, and since when Ctentri are we to have that type of relationship?” “Since now, now right at this moment if you’re to agree, I promise to behave, we can still be just friends, just you and I.” “Just what Ctentri is Mike and Spencer to think of this little twosome of yours?” “Surely they’re going to feel abandoned, come on Chloe, that’s not an excuse right?” “They’re big boys, they’ll be just fine, unless you don’t want to part ways with them, to be honest I don’t want to go to New York, sorry, don’t be, that’s fair, completely, fair, we need to know like by mid-night, so we can ask Bronze, Bronze huh?” “Then midnight Chloe it is, talk to you then, yeah, sure, later, well that went just swell, but at least I got off, now I don’t have to wonder about it or her anymore, I better go shopping for a ticket to New York, boy won’t Ky be surprised.” >>>”Ah, my savior and friend, whatever man, I hope you got a cold bear to drink, I don, and don’t you be so modest, if it wasn’t for you I’ll being looking for another job.” “well it mad sense didn’t it, how where they going to take a tragedy and commit an additional tragedy when there could be triumph instead?” “man you should’ve seen the look on justice face, he was demanding my resignation, they all basically were and here this underwriter was doing and reminding them of their jobs that sorrow if we play our hand right can begot victory, I want you there you know, you want me where?” “when it’s Regan time, you know to deliver, I want you there, I’m not going to be able to it alone, all man you know I’m there, good I already told Rig and it’s fine with her, did I Vince ever tell you how much I hate your Frig?” “ther never anything in it, do you ever eat from your refrigerator, cook on your stove, no, not really, but you knew that, right?” “So is it going with you and Kieler?” “It’s not, {hello, yes this is Vincent Dante, you need me to come where?” “No it just that it all sound a little, about, I don’t know five minutes away,” as one hunking a shoulder of bedazzledment a curious looking Phearson Mcphearson way, it was local fire station, they had an emergency that involved him, it was all as though someone was playing a joke. “well if there’s to be no, other, yes, I’ll be right there, yes, yes, that ok, jyst give me like fifteen minutes.” “Hey you and guys aren’t planning a surprise right, I mean you would tell your best bud right?” “What is going on?” “that was the fire department, the east division, Lawson street, said they have an emergency, they need me to come down as soon as possible, tell me you guys are playing a joke, I promise I won’t get mad, no joke man I’m serious, unless it’s on me as well, then you’ll come with?” “Yeah, sure, why not?” “I wouldn’t miss it.”
>WARNING: It is a violation of true righteousness to use these moments, their explicit illustrations in a manner inconsistent with sacred godliness undefiled toward both God and man....See, Matt 22:36-40, Ephs 5:21-33, Ephs. 4:21-32
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